A Boy And His Blob – The Rescue Of Princess Blobette

A Boy And His Blob – The Rescue Of Princess Blobette Rom Download







Oct 5, 2023


38.96 KB


Are you a fan of retro gaming? If yes, then you must have stumbled across the GameBoy version of A Boy and His Blob – The Rescue of Princess Blobette. This classic game is a perfect blend of puzzle solving and adventure, and features our young hero’s quest to rescue his girlfriend’s sister from the clutches of an evil emperor. Nostalgic, captivating, and fun to play, this game is hard to resist even in this age of modern blockbuster releases. In this post, we will take a closer look at the game and its offerings.

The Plot

In A Boy and His Blob – The Rescue of Princess Blobette, you play the role of our young hero, who embarks on a wild journey to save his girlfriend’s sister from the evil clutches of an emperor. The twist, however, is the hero only has a pet Blob as his companion who can transform into different objects like ladders, trampolines, and cannons. With these transformations at your disposal, you must travel through seven mighty realms, battling enemies, and solving puzzles to reach the Emperor’s castle.

The Gameplay

The gameplay of the Rescue of Princess Blobette ROM on GameBoy is a mix of puzzle-solving, platformer, and adventure. The game will test your reflexes, critical thinking, and strategy as you travel through different realms. The controls are easy to get the hang of, and the game is very responsive to your actions. You will face challenging puzzles, tricky jumps, and quick reactions that will keep you engaged and entertained for hours.

The Graphics

Although the game was released in 1990, the graphics have stood the test of time and still look great on the GameBoy emulator. The game has a hand-drawn, cartoon-like design that compliments its wacky story and characters. The vibrant colors and detailed backgrounds make the game visually appealing and immersive.

The Soundtrack

The soundtrack of this game is impressive, with each level having a unique track to fit its theme. The music is catchy, and you will find yourself humming the tunes throughout the day. The sound effects are also well implemented, adding depth to the game’s world.

The Replay Value

The Rescue of Princess Blobette ROM on GameBoy is a game you will want to play again, thanks to its replay value. Besides the seven realms, the game also has multiple endings depending on how you play, adding an incentive to replay the game. You can also try speed running the game and trying to complete it in the shortest possible time, adding a challenge to your gaming experience.


The Rescue of Princess Blobette ROM on GameBoy is a classic that has aged well and is still fun to play. The gameplay, graphics, soundtrack, and replay value make it a must-play for retro gamers. If you love platformers, puzzle games, or adventure games, then this game will surely keep you entertained. So go ahead and give it a try and take a trip down memory lane with A Boy and His Blob – The Rescue of Princess Blobette.

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