Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 Rom Download
Feb 8th, 2023
5.78 GB
Download Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 ROM for PS3 at TechToRoms!
For diehard fans of the world-renowned manga, “Dragon Ball,” “Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2” is one game not to be missed. Developed by Spike and published by Namco Bandai in 2010, this title has garnered much praise from gamers due to its rich features and innovating storyline. Explore a new realm of entertainment with “Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2″ today! The game has been met with overwhelming praise from critics, and lauded for its substantial graphics improvement, engaging features, immersive story mode, and a record-breaking number of 90 characters to choose from. Players will have the chance to play as some of their favorite Dragon Ball superstars such as Goku, Vegeta or Piccolo in addition to accessing classic moves just like on the manga/anime series! Much like its predecessor, “Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2” takes advantage of the 3-D gaming mechanism with alternating cameras from top corners that offer a variety of opportunities. Players are free to choose their own characters and battle either AI or other players with distinct attack techniques. Additionally, there is also an exclusive technique called “Raging Soul”, where ki attacks will be restricted but physical ones become more powerful in combat situations.