Angry Birds Trilogy

Angry Birds Trilogy Rom Download







Aug 21th, 2023


1.41 GB


5/5 - (1 vote)

Download Angry Birds Trilogy ROM For PS3 at TechToRoms!

Video games have been a source of entertainment for people of all ages. One of the most renowned games that have been played worldwide across the age groups is “Angry Birds.” The recently developed trilogy by Rovio Entertainment, Exient Entertainment, Housemarque, and Fun Labs, published by Activision, has taken the gaming experience to another level.

Game Play

The Angry Birds Trilogy provides all players with three levels of the game, namely “Angry Birds,” “Angry Birds Seasons,” and “Angry Birds Rio.” The game can be played on multiple consoles like Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo 3DS, Wii, Wii U, and PlayStation Vita. The game’s animation has been upgraded and provides an outstanding gaming experience. Players can choose between traditional controllers or motion controls to play the game.

Special Level

Angry Birds Trilogy comes with exclusive levels that cannot be found in the original games. These levels enable players to enjoy this game with an added new level of excitement and difficulty. Also, the gameplay of these levels is exceptional and requires more skill and accuracy to win.

Biographies of Each Bird

The game’s developers have provided biographies of each bird except for Hal (green bird), Bubbles (orange bird), and Stella (pink bird). These biographies share the characteristics and personalities of each of the birds, providing players with more exposure and engagement.

Downloadable Content (DLC) Packs

Rovio, the game developer, has released DLC packs for select platforms. These packs, like the “Anger Management Pack” and the “Fowl Temper Pack,” are aimed at making the game more current with recent versions of the game. These packs include new levels, tools, and enhancements to the games.

Multi-platform Compatibility

Angry Birds Trilogy is compatible with multiple platforms, which means you can play the game on your preferred device. This feature has expanded the fan base of the game across various platforms, enabling players who prefer different platforms to enjoy the same game.


Angry Birds Trilogy is a masterpiece in the gaming world. Its various features make it a compelling game for many people worldwide. It has been developed across many platforms, making it accessible to a large audience. Providing exclusive levels and biographies of each bird has made the game more engaging and interactive. The game has been enhanced through the release of new DLC packs, including new levels and enhancements to the game that makes the game current.

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