The 007: Agent Under Fire ROM Rom Download
2 Nov, 2022
The 007: Agent Under Fire ROM game enables players to take on the role of famous spy James Bond. In the game, Bond must complete missions in various locations around the world. One mission task involves rescuing Zoe Nightshade, a CIA agent who has been captured by Nigel Bloch. Nigel Bloch is the CEO of Identicon and also works for Malprave industries. Not only does Bond have to retrieve the set of DNA samples from Identicon, but he also has to complete it through different game modes that include a first-person-shooter, rail-shooter, and driving missions. The newest installment in the series includes many new weapons, like the Photon cannon and 5-way grenade launcher, as well as some fictional ones. Players have a wide range of gadgets and guns to choose from throughout the game. You can be stealthy or go all out with guns blazing; it’s your choice! There is also a large variety of missions to complete, each with different objectives. At the end of each level, you are given a score and rating that unlocks new features for both single player and multiplayer mode.