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Pokemon fans around the world have been eagerly waiting for the release of a new game for the GameBoy Advance. The wait is finally over as the Pokemon Chroma ROM can now be downloaded to your device to play. From a captivating storyline to an array of exciting challenges, this game is packed with all the elements that fans love about Pokemon. In this article, we will guide you through the process of downloading and playing the Pokemon Chroma ROM.

Setting Up an Emulator

Once you have downloaded the ROM file, you will need to install a GameBoy Advance emulator on your computer or mobile device. The emulator will provide a platform for running the ROM. Popular options include My Boy! for Android devices, and VisualBoy Advance for Windows and Mac computers. Once you have downloaded your preferred emulator, install it on your device.

Extracting the ROM

Next, you will need to extract the ROM from the compressed file you downloaded earlier. If you downloaded a zipped file, use an extraction tool like WinRAR or 7-Zip to extract the ROM file. Once you have the ROM file, save it in a location you can easily access on your device.

Playing the Game

Now that you have the ROM and emulator set up, you can finally start playing the Pokemon Chroma ROM. Open your emulator and search for the ROM file you just saved. Once you have located the file, double-click to run it. Your emulator will now launch the game, and you can start playing. You can use the game’s default controls or customize them to your preference.

Tips for Playing

To enjoy the game to the fullest, here are a few tips to keep in mind. First, make sure to use the save feature regularly to avoid losing your progress. Second, take your time exploring the game’s world and completing quests to discover hidden items and unlock new challenges. Finally, don’t hesitate to get creative with your Pokemon training and playstyle to make the game more exciting.


With this guide you can now download and play Pokemon Chroma ROM on your GameBoy Advance emulator. Once you start playing, enjoy the engaging storyline and challenging gameplay of this amazing Pokemon game. And always remember to have fun!

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