Nashi-jiru Action! Funassyi no Yukai na Ohanassyi

Nashi-jiru Action! Funassyi no Yukai na Ohanassyi Rom Download







July 31, 2023




3/5 - (1 vote)

Are you a fan of Funassyi, the beloved pear fairy mascot from Japan? Are you also a fan of action-packed video games? If so, you’ll be thrilled to know that there’s a new game out that combines both of your passions! Nashi-jiru Action! Funassyi no Yukai na Ohanassyi ROM is now available for Nintendo 3DS, and fans can’t get enough of it. Join us as we dive into everything you need to know about this wacky, fun-filled game.

Nashi-jiru Action! Funassyi no Yukai na Ohanassyi ROM for Nintendo 3DS

First things first, let’s talk about the gameplay. Nashi-jiru Action! Funassyi no Yukai na Ohanassyi ROM is a side-scrolling platformer that’s reminiscent of classic games such as Mario and Sonic. The goal is to guide Funassyi through various levels, jumping over obstacles, defeating enemies, and collecting coins as you go. It might sound simple, but the game’s unique quirks make it truly one-of-a-kind.

One of the things that sets Nashi-jiru Action! Funassyi no Yukai na Ohanassyi ROM apart from other platformers is its use of nashi-jiru, or pear soup, as a power-up. Eating a bowl of nashi-jiru will give Funassyi temporary invincibility, allowing him to plow through enemies and obstacles without taking any damage. This adds an extra layer of strategy to the game, as players must decide when the best time to use their nashi-jiru is.

Another highlight of the game is its graphics. Nashi-jiru Action! Funassyi no Yukai na Ohanassyi ROM is bursting with color and personality, with detailed backgrounds and character designs that are sure to put a smile on your face. The game’s soundtrack is equally cheerful, featuring catchy tunes that perfectly complement Funassyi’s upbeat personality.

Of course, no discussion of Nashi-jiru Action! Funassyi no Yukai na Ohanassyi ROM would be complete without mentioning its protagonist. Funassyi is a beloved mascot in Japan, known for his high energy and playful antics. He’s become a cultural icon, appearing in everything from commercials to music videos. In this game, he’s as lovable as ever, with plenty of witty one-liners and silly animations to keep players entertained.


All in all, Nashi-jiru Action! Funassyi no Yukai na Ohanassyi ROM is a game that’s sure to delight fans of Funassyi and platformer games alike. Its combination of high-octane gameplay, unique power-ups, and colorful graphics make it a must-play for anyone who wants to experience the zany world of Funassyi. So if you’re in the mood for a fun-filled adventure, grab a bowl of nashi-jiru and fire up your Nintendo 3DS – Funassyi is waiting for you!

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