Assault Gunners

Assault Gunners Rom Download







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If you’re looking to have some fun with your PlayStation Vita, then you need to check out the Assault Gunners ROM. This game allows you to customize your own mechs and fight against enemies in a thrilling action-packed shooter. It’s the perfect way to spend some time with your friends or just have a good time playing solo. Here’s why you should check out this amazing game.

Customizable Mechs

One of the best features of Assault Gunners is its customizable mechs that players can create and use in battle. You can choose from three base models (light, medium, or heavy) and customize them with different parts like arms, legs, torsos, firearms, and more. You can also upgrade each part with various items that increase their attack power or defense strength. With over 250 customization options available, there are endless possibilities when it comes to creating your dream mech.

Unique Storyline

It’s not just about customizing mechs; Assault Gunners also has an engaging storyline full of twists and turns. You play as a member of the mercenary group “Jigabachi” who is tasked with protecting the peace on Earth from alien threats while uncovering the truth behind mysterious events happening across the globe. As you progress through the story, you must make tough choices that will affect the outcome of each mission. With its unique story mode full of unexpected plot points, Assault Gunners keeps things interesting throughout its entire campaign.

Multiplayer Mode

If playing alone isn’t enough for you, don’t worry Assault Gunners also has an awesome multiplayer mode where up to four players can team up online or locally via Ad Hoc connection to take down enemies together! In addition to being able to customize your own mechs for battles in teams of up to four people, there are also several different game modes such as Capture The Flag and King Of The Hill which adds even more variety and fun into multiplayer sessions!


Overall, Assault Gunners is a fantastic game for any PlayStation Vita owner looking for an exciting action-shooter experience. With its customizable mechs, unique storyline, and great multiplayer features; it offers hours upon hours of entertainment that will keep players coming back again and again! So if you’re looking for something new to do on your PS Vita console – give this title a shot! It won’t disappoint!

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