Chili Con Carnage Rom Download
Jan 12, 2023
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Playstation Portable to Chili Con Carnage ROM, a high-octane third-person shooter set in the Mexican underworld. The Chili Con Carnage ROM download is an action-packed game that will have you ducking and dodging bullets as you make your way through multiple levels of intense combat. With its explosive visuals and lightning-fast gameplay, Chili Con Carnage will keep you on the edge of your seat as you take on one thrilling mission after another.
Chili Con Carnage ROM, an action-packed brawler game that was developed by Deadline Games and published for the Playstation Portable in 2006. Chili Con Carnage is a classic beat ’em up title that follows Raul, a renegade vigilante out for revenge on notorious drug lord Ernie Carvajal. Players will be able to explore many levels in Mexico City with over 20 different weapons and multiple combos to choose from. This fast-paced combat action game offers hours of entertainment as you battle your way through enemies to reach the final showdown! Download Chili Con Carnage ROM today for non-stop fun on Playstation Portable!