Elden Ring: Everything You Need to Know About Dungeons

The Elden Ring is a massive region, and it will take many hours to thoroughly explore. That’s especially true of the game’s open world locations, where players must spend hundreds of hours exploring their depths. In Elden Ring, players will visit many dungeons, but not all of them are created equal.


All Elden Ring dungeons are not the same

The Lands Between are home to a variety of subterranean locations, including catacombs, caves, tunnels, and ruins. These subterranean places hold a wealth of equipment, materials, weapons, and—of course—enemies. If you know what’s ahead of you before entering a cave or ruin, you’ll be better positioned to prepare for the fight ahead and where to go if you need any particular items.

Here’s a rundown of the many sorts of dungeons in Elden Ring, as well as what you may anticipate.

Legacy Dungeons 

The most important aspects of Elden Ring’s tale and necessary bosses will be found in the Legacy Dungeons, which are large, custom regions brimming with distinct enemies and plunder. Each will have numerous grace sites as well as multiple bosses that must be defeated in order to advance through the game, while others may be skipped.

A portion of the map of the Lands Between

Three of the Legacy Dungeons players will need to overcome in order to finish the game are Raya Lucaria Academy, Stormveil Castle, and Leyndell, Royal Capital.


Catacombs are a common sight in the Lands Between. These smaller dungeons, which are often crammed with undead foes, abound with crafting and improvement resources such as Grave and Ghost Glovewarts. Both may be utilized to upgrade Spirit Ashes once you’ve unlocked that option via Roderika at the Roundtable Hold.

Each catacomb has its own boss, and clearing the dungeons may earn you a weapon, spell, or Spirit Ash. The Stormfoot Catacombs, Murkwater Catacombs, and Deathtouched Catacombs are the first three catacombs you’ll encounter in Limgrave.


Tunnels are a great location to farm materials for improving Spirit Ashes, just as catacombs are the go-to location for farming resources for upgrading Spirits. Tunnels are where you’ll find Smithing and Somber Smithing stones to enhance weapons, much as catacombs are where you’ll find tools to upgrade Spirits. Miners are the most frequent adversary in these tunnels, and they’re especially difficult to beat since their tough skin makes them resistant to slashing weapons. Blunt weapons or magic, on the other hand, render them powerless. When confronted with bosses in tunnels, expect them to drop weaponry when defeated.

The start of the game features two tunnels: Lingrave Tunnels and Morne Tunnels.


Caves, unlike catacombs and tunnels, do not have a necessary upgrade material to exploit. Instead of that, they’re infested with aggressive wild animals and demi-humans. They’re also far easier to clear than the previous dungeons. To obtain yourself a weapon, talisman, or spell, rush in and dispatch the boss.

The Groveside Cave, Coastal Cave, and Murkwater Cave are all near the beginning of the game.

Hero Graves

The many Hero Grave locations are a few of the more hazardous dungeons to discover. There are only four, but they all include a chariot with whirling blades that travels along set pathways. These vehicles will instantly kill players, regardless of their health, so timing is critical here. Consider these dungeons to be an obstacle course with heroes as participants. Hero Graves may also have more than one boss to defeat, with the last usually being quite hard because it usually entails a confrontation between two strong enemies at the same time.

Clearing a Hero Grave rewards you with an elite Spirit Ash, which are strong summons that can withstand challenges against bosses. The Fringefolk Hero’s Grave is the first Hero Grave, but it requires two Stonesword Keys to be unlocked.


Ruins are located above ground rather than underground, unlike the previous dungeons. Their crumbling edifices are readily identifiable. The number of foes at each ruin may differ, but there will usually not be a boss. Most ruins will have steps leading down to a treasure chest or perhaps an essential character connected with a side quest.

The Gatefront Ruins, Mistwood Ruins, and Waypoint Ruins are among the ruins in Limgrave.